.TH CYBD 1 cybd\-VERSION .SH NAME cybd \- The cyber radio daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .B cybd .RB [ \-t .IR socket ] .I command .RI [ arguments ...] .SH DESCRIPTION cybd is a simple HLS muxer daemon designed to be integrated into a bigger HTTP radio stack. It's role is to progress through a list of local media file in order to generate a continuous HTTP live stream, stored as an .m3u8 playlist file and .ts segment files, which can then be statically distributed by a web server. .P By default, the daemon and the clients communicate via a UNIX socket named $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/cybd.sock. This can be changed by setting the .B \-t flag to the desired socket name. .SH COMMANDS .TP .B daemon Start the daemon and begin streaming silent frames. The diffusion will start as soon as an entry is pushed into the daemon's playlist. .TP .B skip Halt the playback of the currently playing media an continue with the next one in queue. .TP .B pause Pause the daemon and starts streaming silent frames. .TP .B resume Resume the daemon after a pause command. .SH AUTHORS See the LICENSE file for the authors. .SH LICENSE See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution. .SH SEE ALSO .BR ffmpeg (1),